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YELAH 360 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves as a catalyst of change to inspire, educate, empower and improve the quality of life of economically and socially disadvantaged children & families.   

The organization currently focuses its efforts in the areas of life skills, parenting education & family well-being, college readiness and scholarship assistance to those in need.  We partner with individuals, communities, and organizations to assist young, at-risk, or low-income populations in overcoming challenges and barriers to success.

Home: Welcome
Mother and Daughter Hugging


Our goals are to aid in reducing poverty and successfully launch disadvantaged and single parent families into sustainable economic and emotional self-sufficiency to better support themselves, their children and their communities.  Every economically disadvantaged parent and/or single parent can be successful.


This is accomplished by providing resources, scholarships and education via workshops, training and events that inspire and facilitates parents and their children to take control of their lives.

Home: Who We Are


YELAH 360 is a non-profit organization that was founded to help address the issues associated with single parenting as well as the struggles and stereotypes that single parents endure.

This organization recognizes that the children of single parent families are sometimes caught in a sandwich where they may not qualify for scholarships based on income or merit and rely on student loans or work study programs because they may not have enough income, funding, or scholarships available to make ends meet. 


The purpose of this scholarship is to provide financial relief during the last stretch of the semester when many students may need a little extra cash to "make it" through. YELAH 360 in collaboration with Yolah Media and Single Parent Secrets book brand are partnering together to provide the very first YELAH 360 College Relief Scholarship Fund for young students that have been raised by a Single Mother or Single Father with minimal or no funding assistance from the other parent.


Would you like to support our efforts?

Home: What We Do


Get in touch with YELAH 360 to learn more about the scholarship and how you can help with our initiatives

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